Wednesday, August 27, 2008


What's your name?
Carson Daniel Vaughan

Where are you from?
Broken Bow, Neb.

What year are you in school?
Junior (year 3)

What is your career goal?
To obtain a news-editorial position at a magazine or newspaper that allows me the freedom to investigate topics I am interested in and tell other people's stories in an interesting manner. I would also like to write a book.

What do you like to read?
I enjoy reading most forms of literature, whether it be a newspaper or a fiction novel. I've recently been on a Great Plains literature kick, reading such authors as Bruce Barton and the New Yorker's Ian Frazier. I have also been reading a compilation of letters from H.L. Menken, as well as Menken's biography, The Skeptic, written by Terry Teachout. I am also a fan of The Onion, as well as The Borowitz Report and other satirical news sources.

Where do you get your news?
The New York Times, Omaha-World Herald, Lincoln Journal-Star, and Daily Nebraskan's print and online editions, as well as CNN television.

Do you have any journalism experience?
I am currently a contributing writer for Lincoln's L Magazine, and recently finished up an internship with The Onion in New York City. I am the founder and editor in chief of the DailyER Nebraskan, UNL's satirical campus newspaper. I have also written for several online music review websites.

Do you have a blog?
I created one over the summer, but since it's inception I have not posted to it. I find it difficult to believe that anyone wants to read about my personal life, and if I were to write newsworthy stories I would submit them to a newspaper, rather than to a blog that most people--not knowing my credentials--could and would be smart to dismiss.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about defending the relevance and value of satire. I am dorkily passionate about the Great Plains. I am passionate about writing to change society for the better, and I am passionate about writing simply to entertain.

Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you?
I honestly believe "Ghostbusters" is the greatest movie of all time.

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